Making Care Fair

Our Mission
Making Care Fair aims to challenge the inequalities suffered by the adult learning-disabled community in SE Essex.
By working with the community of adults with Learning Disabilities, we intend to identify where the problems lie, and who caused them, and campaign to ensure every adult with Learning Disabilities receives the care package they need to be able to function comfortably in their everyday lives.
Our Campaign
Over the last few years, PIP has replaced the Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for people aged between 16 and 64 living in England and Wales. This has been disastrous for some families/carers of those adults with Learning Disabilities.
This media campaign aims to highlight what needs to be changed to make sure that families/carers and adults with Learning Disabilities are being given the best support possible.
“We are penalising our families/carers who are already saving the government huge amounts of money in care costs. If they were to place their loved ones in a care setting/supported living scheme this would be costing the government so much more in the long run. Why are we so blinkered not to see this?"
- Alison Halton, Mencap Learning Disabilities Advisor
To Learn More
Royal Mencap
"There are multiple barriers preventing people with learning disabilities from accessing good quality healthcare."
Big Issue, 2023
"DWP accused of 'denying people their rights' after rejecting 90% of disability benefits appeals."
LeDeR, 2023
"42% of deaths of people with a learning disability were avoidable."